The builders have moved out, I am beginning to create order, the spare room has become a studio, and I have reached 100 posts - all good reasons for determining to make a fresh start in my campaign for an ordered life. But mostly because I have a urge to overcome the chaos in the house, my poor eating habits and bad bedtimes, and I don't know how long that motivation may last!
I seem to spend my life promising myself I WILL get organised....tomorrow! I have the luxury and the danger of enough space to leave piles of chaos and still function, and because I can I usually do.
Whether it is inspiration from the school visits this week, and the rewards and house points offered to encourage progress, I don't know but I have just drawn up my own version of a sticker chart. It does not ask for anything remarkable - just eating properly a couple of times a day, reasonable bedtime etc
Although more of a challenge is the aim to spend 20 mins tidying each day - in the hope that step by small step I can regain control. Trying to zap it all in one go usually fails as it is all too much and I go and hide under the duvet instead, overwhelmed, feeling a failure and not wanting to try again for quite a while.
It may all last about 24 hours, but it is still worth a try, tonight I had a proper meal for the first time in 48 hours (instead of snacks and nibbles) and tidied the dumping end of the kitchen. Balanced out with the fact that I slept from 9.30 - 2.30 .... A long Thursday of being sociable on the market was probably a bad choice of day off activity for an introvert who tires easily, and my working days having been paying for it since!
And I see that it was only a month ago I last mentioned getting organised.... A pattern developing??