Saturday, 8 December 2012

New start 101 - a week on....

An update on my attempted self-reboot

Well it has been a week, and I have used my tick sheet but not qualifying for many reward stickers.

Tablets - Gold star, but was already good on that
Breakfast - total failure, :-(

Lunch - managed a couple, though to be fair  Monday it was provided at my London meeting

Dinner - Silver star, all but Sunday and mostly 'real food'

And I did manage some exercise (walking in London for one) and even a couple of 20 min tidy ups.

So not straight to the top of the class, but some baby steps, and afterall a perfect first week would only leave downhill as an option.

As for sleep habits - well last night I slept so badly (between waking up and intense dreams) that I had a bad headache and have been even more dozy and useless all day.  Now I am awake and able to string a sentence together - and its midnight when I'm supposed to be asleep. 

Oh well, I have now done some of the things that I failed to do this morning (or yesterday morning I should say now). A useful sleep rather than a pretence would be good with church sales, Christmas Tree Festivals and Christingle services in  a non stop trail over the weekend...

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