Thursday, 7 February 2013

Counting blessings...

As I read status updates about friends facing tough stuff, and hear news of service cuts and benefit squeezes, I am reminded of the old chorus - 'Count your blessings name them one by one'. 
So instead of dealing on my grumps tonight here is my count to ten -
1.       I live in one of the richest parts of the world, with good water, electricity, access to food etc
2.       I have a stable income that is more than comfortable – allowing me space to do mad glass courses etc
3.       I have one of the most secure jobs in this tough economy
4.       It is a role I love, and can do pretty well at.
5.       I have the flexibility to adapt my working hours around my needs much more than many people – as long as the things need do are done, my need for an afternoon nap is not an issue.
6.       My body may run on a shortened battery charge, and I have the Black Dog of depression as pet, but I have otherwise good health, and if I don’t the NHS is there.
7.       I’m single – yes I can have my lonely times, the moments when someone to be there when I get home grumpy would be appreciated, but essentially I have the quiet retreat that I need when tired. And as they say ‘it is better to be single and dreaming of getting married than being married and wishing you were single’, and no-one fights me for the remote!
8.       Friends and people who care
9.       I live in this day and age – access to technology to make life easier and as I look at the ways the mentally depressed or chronically fatigued would be treated or misunderstood in generations past, I doubt I would be tough enough to have coped with that.
10.   I live in this place and culture – see 9.

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