Saturday, 19 July 2014

A touch of heaven - pt 1, Welcome to Hayward St

Before I came to North Carolina I did some web searches to see what I wanted to visit whilst here. I discovered a church in the city centre, a place where the homeless and troubled are served and welcomed, not just giving to those in need but building a worshipping community.

Today I made my first visit to an adventure that started 4 years ago. A church building that had once been at the heart of a residential community to the edge of a town centre, the centre extended, the interstate highway came through cutting the community off from the church.  In time (as I understand it, I have a formal meeting with the minister next week) the congregation declined, then the other city centre Methodist congregation adopted the site - hemmed in on 3 sides by freeway and entry roads - and a minister with a vision given space to dream a dream.

Hayward Street Congregation

This is a congregation, supported by christians from across the city yes, but a local congregation - a worshipping community where someone can say ' last week when I was being taken to jail...' and another declare that they are 'the richest poor person in the county because they know Jesus'.  A place that provides for the needs of the most vulnerable, not just in body but in meeting them as precious people.

part 2
part 3

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