Meds on all change - one up and one down to out to replace with a shiny new one.
Currently I am either dopey or I'm munchy - at least when both together I don't have the omph to act on the munchies so not as bad for my weight. Grumpy and Sleepy are around too.
Anyway too dopey for own post but this is a very meaningful contribution from RidiculousVicar.
Yes people with no reason get depressed, yes Christians get depressed, even vicars.....
'if you prick us do we not bleed?'
Dear Helen - your honesty about your depression is not only moving, it is a much needed wellspring of solidarity to other sufferers too, who so often feel alone and isolated in the black numbness. Being open about my own struggle and vulnerability has built bridges to so many people who know exactly what depression is like. I wish you every blessing in your own 'quest for understanding'.