Tuesday, 1 March 2016

The pastoral visit

As a minister part of my role is to visit, especially those not able to join us at church.  Living with depression, as an introvert and probably with roots in my disconnect from others when bullied throughout school - I find this the hardest thing I face in the job. This is a poem that expresses how it feels when I am unwell and trying to visit -

It’s not you it’s me – the pastoral visit

I come into your home, your space
You welcome me, grateful that I have come
The church has come with bread and wine.

You deserve my attention
Care to the tales you tell
The memories you recall

I turn my face to you
Nod and smile in hopefully the right places
I mustn’t show the scream inside

Don’t let the mask slip
It’s not you it’s me
And this is supposed to be your time

Your time - that I have put off again and again
Denied you my time
Because, because, because…. I am broken

Because my head is full of fuzz
Because though I can do the act from the front
One to one I don’t know the script

People may see me visiting you in your vulnerability
But I am the vulnerable one
And you can unmask me

I feel a fraud – pretending to be normal
When inside is a mass of chaos and the suppressed scream
I want to be home, safe in a duvet cocoon

But finally I have made it here
I sit still, I nod, I break bread
And countdown to when I can flee
It’s not you it’s me

Helen Roberts Feb 2016

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