Tuesday, 8 July 2014

'It's church Jim but not as you know it....'

So its Monday evening, and my first week here in North Carolina is drawing to a close. Yesterday was church - 9.30 at Reeves Chapel, and Sardis at 11am  before a shared lunch back with the folk at Reeves.

People are the same interesting mix of characters where ever you are, but the experience of church can feel like another planet. The service patterns here may not be typical of all American Methodists, but it was certainly different to church as I know it back in our British Methodism.

There was opening music by the choir, and a set piece in the midst of worship, but only 2 congregational hymns in one church and 3 in the other. Other aspects of the service would be familiar to the liturgical traditions and the UMC does have its roots in the Wesleyan higher church patterns so that might be expected.

It is the lack of hymns and the poor singing of those that were there that really seemed strange to me as one who was brought up with the concept of Methodism being 'born in song'. Apart from the Quakers, I have been used to the concept of church services and singing together being natural partners, even our more liturgical friends get 4 hymns a week.

My efforts were well received at both places, but need to be wary of my jokes - a comment about not taking to the local food 'grits' let to a special pot being conjured up in time for my return to Reeves Chapel for  lunch!

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