I have been concerned around leaving Gabi the dog home alone - my comings and goings don't fit any regular rhythm for her to learn when to expect me home, when I will be out for an hour or for 4 hours. Sometimes I don't know myself. When I am home she still tends to lie around not doing much - does she need stimulation? Is she worried when home alone? It is the only time she does things she knows I don't approve of - taking things from the kitchen worktops etc. Is it a protest action?
So I have been taking her with me when I can, especially for the longer days - but sitting around whilst I am painting in the church hall, or through church councils, or having lots of attention for being cute and lovely at the church hall celebration. Is this more stressful for her? Unpredictable places, sometimes crowds, sometimes confined to a smaller space than she would at home.
Which is best for her?
And separation anxiety - when out with me people say how she is concerned when I disappear into another room or back to car etc, is that because it is not home? Or does she feel like that at home too- hence the food stealing protests? And yet when I am around she just lies down or sleeps near but its not like she is on my lap (that would be a challenge) or snuggled up close. And when out for a walk and let off the lead to explore the common or the woodland she doesn't look back or even respond to my voice - yes a training issue, 'bye bye Gabi' is quite effective for getting her to come back to me though.
So how to be a good Doggy Mummy??
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