Friday, 1 March 2013

Half full or half empty?

I have been getting increasingly anxious about feeling low and the things I haven’t got done because I have been hiding under the duvet instead. Last Friday I was open with my small support group about what I am like when the outside being a minister mask can be put down. With their encouragement I booked to go back to the doctor. I was thinking that there may not be anything much he could do, afterall I know the theory about challenging my thinking, of the benefit of routine, food, exercise and rest in taming the black dog of depression - I just can’t get it to work. In the same way I understand how a bike works and what to do but have never managed to ride one – just to discover different ways of falling over with one!
So made it to see my doctor yesterday, I had listed the bad day feelings so I wouldn’t forget things. He has changed my antidepressants, so it is a week to wean off the old one and then to gradually introduce the new, and he has put me on referral list for a psychologist.  I mentioned my drinking and he asked a few questions but the answers didn’t concern him, so I feel less guilty about that now.
Today I feel better for having spoken about it all.  My doctor had offered a sick note option until the new drugs kick-in, but I feel that I need the fixed points as a focus and a reassurance of the things I can do. So given that I can be flexible around what I do and when I declined the sick note.  Knowing that it was available, that someone recognises that I am struggling and it is not just my laziness or lack of self-will, has changed how I feel today about the things done and not done.
Since I could have been off sick everything I manage to do in life and work is a bonus rather than thinking about the failures and things not done.   This was essentially the idea from the support group – ‘have done’ lists rather than ‘to do’ lists. But with the doctor’s backing I have felt able to send a message to the church stewards to say I will be less than fully functioning for a while yet, and the layers of guilt are falling away. The glass may be incomplete but today I feel it is okay for it to be only part way and I will call it a quarter or a half full instead of focussing on what is missing.


  1. You are doing great. I understand the tricks depression can play on yoru mind. It can actually make you less motivated to get off your butt and it can cause you t o feel like a failure and make hit harder ot challenge its very thoughts. You are doing a good job of focusing on the things you've accomplsihed.

  2. Gloat! Celebrate! Praise yourself! you took advice, you did something proactive, and something is being done. You have been honest, realistic and practical.
    Congratulate yourself lots!

    Blessings and prayers while the meds are kicking in.

  3. Thanks. I think the doctor saying that yes it is tough what else can we try has felt like official, external permission to be wobbly whereas when it is just me feeling it and not sharing I can be too critical and that sends me lower.
